SyCoMore is a research programme on the adaptation of forests to climate change, which aims to assess forest stress and renew tree species to ensure the economic and ecological sustainability of the forestry and wood sector in the context of climate change.

The Ambition Research Development Centre-Val de Loire (ARD CVL) SyCoMore project (Precision and Connected Forestry) is led by the centre INRAE Val de Loire. It brings together all the regional partners studying trees, forests and pests, both in the academic (CNRS, INRAE, INSA Centre Val de Loire, University of Orléans, University of Tours) and socio-economic fields (Fibois-Centre Val de Loire, CNPF-IDF, ONF, UNISYLVA, Dream Eaux et milieu, VEGEPOLYS VALLEY, AgreenTechValley, CybeleTech), LE STUDIUM IAS and Centre Sciences.


Three research projects explore the following themes:

  • Detection and mapping of forest stress
  • Modelling tree growth and stress processes
  • Renewal of the region's forests to make them more resilient to climate change
  • Creation and evaluation of innovative renewal techniques
  • Creation of innovative diagnostic and monitoring tools for renewal
  • Forest genetic resources for the future and their resilience to climate change


Link to partners :
Fibois CVL