Infectious Diseases and Public Health (ISP)

© UnivTours
Infectiologie et Santé Publique
Centre INRAE Val-de-Loire
Nathalie Winter
Scientific Field
According to the «One Health» concept, the JRU ISP conducts its research from three complementary and interconnected angles:
- Understanding the host response(s) to infections
- Understanding how the pathogens respond to their environments
- Developping innovative prevention and control strategies.
Research topics:
Infectiology according to the «One Health» concept:
- Microbial infections (bacteria, virus, parasite) and protective immunity versus exacerbated inflammation
- Virulence mechanisms of pathogens, escape to the host and resistance to drugs; impact of microbiota -mainly gut- on the development, maturation and evolution of the immune response; evolution and adaptation of the pathogens communities to their environment(s)
- Decipher the functions of different microbiota
- Host-directed therapies and Innovative biotherapies, New vaccines, adjuvants and platforms
Equipment and technology:
- Biosecurity laboratories of level 2 and 3 (BSL2 and BSL3)
- BioMark HD (medium-hight throughput ranscriptomic)
- Flow cytometry : analysis (BD LSR Fortessa X20) and sorting (MoFo Astrios, Beckman)
- IVIS Spectrum (in vivo imaging, bioluminescence and fluorescence)
- Leica SP8 spectral confocal microscope with high resolution scanning
- Hypoxia chamber for cell culture and infections (HypoxyLab, 2B innov)
- Chromium Controller (10x Genomics) for single cell analysis
- New generation sequencing (MinION, Oxford Nanopore Technologies)