Bird Biology and Poultry (BOA)

UMR 0083 Bird Biology and Poultry Farming (BOA)
Centre INRAE Val de Loire
UMR BOA conducts research on bird physiology and genetics with the aim of contributing to the development of sustainable livestock systems. The research aims to characterize the genetic and molecular mechanisms that underlie the bird’s major functions, to propose evaluation tools that can be used in selection programs and to im¬prove rearing conditions, and to integrate knowledge by modeling so as to contribute to the transition from animal production systems to multi-performance. It coordinates two European projects on animal welfare in organic farming (H2020-PPILOW) and product quality (H2020-INTAQT).
Research topics: Avian physiology and genetics
Skills and expertise:
- Poultry nutrition and characterisation of feed resources.
- Avian genetics, genomics and epigenetics.
- Digestive physiology and metabolic use of nutrients.
- Physiological regulation of metabolism in relation to adaptation and egg and meat production.
- Expertise in the technological and nutritional quality of meat.
- Expertise in the bio-mineralisation and antimicrobial properties of egg proteins.
- Expertise in modelling and multi-criteria assessment of production systems.
Equipment and technology:
- Access to the Poultry Experimental Facilities of INRAE (PEAT, Nouzilly; EASM, Le Magneraud),
- Access to genetic models for understanding the determinism of traits of agronomic interest: divergent chicken lines on meat quality, digestion ability, growth, fertility...
- Physico-chemical analyzes: tools for measuring egg quality, plasma and near-infrared torch spectrometry, protein and lipid measurement chain, calorimetry, electromechanical (compression test), rheometer, thermography…
- Biochemistry: Protein purification and analysis, analytical and preparative chromatography material (HPLC, UPLC, CPG, Iatroscan), spectrophotometry, infra-red imaging, oxygraphe (mitochondrial respiration), Automated biochemical assays,
- Molecular biology: quantitative PCR,
- Histology : Microtome in freezing, right and inverted microscopes for visible analysis and fluorescence, camera, fluorescence slide reader, image analysis software,
- Cell culture facilities,
- Tools for measuring egg quality,
- Automated epifluorescence microscope