Quality of life and psychological Health (QualiPsy)
© UnivTours
Qualité de vie et Santé psychologique
Université de Tours, UFR Arts et Sciences Humaines
3 rue des Tanneurs BP 4103
Tours 37041
Evelyne Fouquereau
Scientific Field
The studies conducted by QualiPsy come within the domain of occupational psychology, clinical psychology and psychopathology. They concern the analysis of the factors (individual, group, organisational and environmental) of the impairment vs. optimisation of the quality of life and mental health of the general adult population and in specific life situations (e.g., work, illness, situations of vulnerability).
Research topics:
- Health and quality of life at work
- Vulnerabilities, psychopathology and health
- Occupational health, addictions and violences
Equipment and technology:
- On-line questionnaire platforms and software: Survey-Monkey, Sphinx online
- Quantitative data-analysis software: Statistica, SPSS, Amos, Mplus, HLM, R
- Paper questionnaire analysis software: Sphinx scanner