© UnivTours
Cités, TERritoires, Environnement et Sociétés

MSH Val de Loire - BP 60449
33, Allée Ferdinand de Lesseps
Tours 37204

Nora Semmoud
Scientific Field

The CITERES laboratory’s general research theme is the analysis of the spatial and territorial dynamics of societies. Its productions fall within 5 main fields: urban and environmental research, on heritage particularly on archaeology, on construction and relationships within territories and on the effects of contemporary social recomposition. This work, which concerns a great diversity of cultural areas, takes place over a long time - from historical periods to the present - and in a multidisciplinary dynamic (archaeology, history, anthropology, sociology, geography, demography, spatial planning, town planning).

Research topics:

  • Urban Study
  • Environmental Research
  • Research on heritage and particularly on archaeology
  • Research on construction and relationships within the territory(ies)
  • Research on the effects of contemporary social reconstruction

Application areas:

The work of CITERES is based on academics researchs (ANR, European Projects, etc.) but is also intended for socio-economic actors, public policies, local authorities, professionals, NGOs, etc. Relations with the environment and heritage constitute a significant part of the activity of CITERES researchers, in four complementary forms: (i) obtaining and directing research contracts from non-academic funders and public decision-makers, (ii) expertise activities within commissions or working groups linked to public structures or collective services, (iii) applied research, (iv) so-called transfer and promotion productions for different audiences. so-called transfer and promotion productions to different audiences.


Université de Tours