Dr Raphaël Cahen

Contextual Research in Law (CORE), Brussels Free University (VUB) - BE
In residence at
POuvoirs, LEttres, Normes (POLEN) / University of Orléans - FR
Host scientist
Prof. Pierre Allorant
Sociological and Cultural History of International Law (1815-1871)
International law is said to be a distinct profession with institutions and journals first in the 1870's. Nevertheless from the Vienna Congress (1815) to the Franco-Prussian Wars (1870-1871), lawyers have initiated professional practices that related to the development of International Law.
They were involved in foreign offices, scientific academies, and universities, they wrote textbooks and articles and formed networks.
This project aims to investigate the interaction between foreign offices and international lawyers as well as the link between political migration of lawyers and their implication in the making of international law.
Final reports
While International law is first said to be a distinct profession with institutions and journals in the 1870's, this project has shown that from the Vienna Congress (1815) to the Franco-Prussian Wars (1870-1871), lawyers have initiated professional practices and shaped the making of International Law. They were involved in foreign offices, scientific academies, and universities, wrote textbooks and articles and created professional networks. This project investigates, for the first time, the interaction between foreign offices and international lawyers. This paper puts forward a prosopography of legal advisers employed in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and of the members of the Consultative Litigation Committee. Two peer-reviewed publications have been accepted and a conference proceeding is forthcoming.