Law(s) and International relations : actors, institutions and comparative legislations
Hôtel Dupanloup
1 rue Dupanloup
45000 Orleans
In the last twenty years, the study of the history of international law and of international relations has witnessed something of a renaissance. The bicentenary of the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815) also led to several new publications on the Congress System and on the “security culture” that was established in the aftermath of Napoleon. Nevertheless, many lacunae remain, especially regarding the relationship between law(s) and international relations during the long nineteenth century and in the sociocultural history of international law as a discipline with its own actors, networks, venues, institutions and power circles. The aim of the present conference is to deepen our study of the interconnections between law(s) and international relations through the eyes of a plurality of actors (e.g., legal advisers, lawyers, judges, activists, publicists, journalists, editors), institutions (e.g., foreign offices, courts, universities, academies of science, associations, libraries) and works on comparative law.
Three focuses will be especially addressed by this conference. The first is the plurality of actors. We welcome proposals on legal advisers within governments, foreign offices and national or colonial administrations; on civil and administrative judges, admiralty courts and prize laws; and on lawyers, academics, peace activists, international thinkers, journalists and editors, including women as well as men. A prosopography of a group of actors is invited as well as individual biographies. The theme of the birth and professionalization of “international lawyers” will be studied as well as the various editors and the book market for international law.
Our second focus will be on institutions. We especially invite papers studying the treatment of law(s) in foreign offices in a comparative perspective. For example, in Great Britain, legal issues were dealt by the Queens Lawyers until 1872 and afterwards by the Legal Adviser of the Foreign Office. In France after 1835, it was the Comité consultatif du contentieux that dealt with legal issues. But what about the foreign offices of other countries? Other institutions (similar to the Conseil d’état in France) may have also had their own “Foreign Office Committee.” How were these organized? Did they cooperate with the foreign office? What role was played by scientific academies in the diffusion of international law? By the universities? By popular libraries?
Our third and final focus is on the study of comparative law and its link to the development of international law. The Société de législation comparée, founded in 1869, was full of members of the first generation of the Institut de Droit International, while many comparativists were, vice versa, members of the Institut de Droit International. Scientific journals such as the Revue historique de droit français et étranger and the Revue de droit international et de législation comparée dealt with both comparative and international law. Papers on the progressive autonomy of the discipline and on the networks of the founding members are especially welcome.
Key words
International law, juridification, professionalisation, Foreign offices, émigré lawyers, legal advisers, epistemic communities, prosopography
Dr Raphaël Cahen, LE STUDIUM / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow
FROM: Brussels Free University (VUB) - BE
IN RESIDENCE AT: POuvoirs, LEttres, Normes (POLEN) / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR -
Prof. Pierre Allorant,
POuvoirs, LEttres, Normes (POLEN) / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR -
Prof. Walter Badier,
POuvoirs, LEttres, Normes (POLEN) / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR

Confirmed speakers
- Dr Victoria Barnes, Max Planck Institute Frankfurt - DE
- Dr Yousra Chaaban, University Ain-Shams & Lyon III - EG
- Dr Maxime Charité, Université Le Havre Normandie - FR
- Wouter de Rycke, Free University of Brussels (VUB) – BE
- Prof. Frederik Dhondt, Free University of Brussels (VUB) - BE
- Dr Jean-Romain Ferrand-Hus, Université de Rennes I - FR
- Dr Paweł Fiktus, WSP (Wroslaw Poland) - PL
- Dr Saskia Geisler, Hagen University - DE
- Prof. Stella Ghervas, Newcastle University - UK
- Anastasia Hammerschmied, University of Vienna - AT
- Dr Nina Keller-Kemmerer , Frankfurt - DE
- Prof. Sara Kimble, De Paul University - USA
- Prof. Pierre-François Laval, Université d’Orléans - FR
- Dr Bruno Martin Gay, Université Paris-Saclais - FR
- Dr Anne-Charlotte Martineau, Nanterre University - FR
- Prof. Annamaria Monti, Bocconi University - IT
- Dr Sean Morris, University of Helsinki - FI
- Dr Zülâl Muslu, University of Vienna - AT
- Prof. Hirofumi Oguri, Okayama University - JP
- Prof. Marión Röwekamp, College of Mexico - MX
- Prof. Philippe Rygiel, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon - FR
- Dr Mariano Schlez, National University of the South - AR
- Dr Sebastian Spitra, University of Vienna - AT
- Dr Jean-Michel Turcotte, Leibniz Institute for European History - DE
- Prof. Milos Vec, University of Vienna - AT
- Florenz Volkaert , Ghent Legal History Institute - BE
Wednesday 15th september 2021 - Hôtel Dupanloup, 1 rue Dupanloup 45000 Orléans
- 14:00 Welcome coffee & registration
- 14:30 Official opening by Sophie Gabillet (General secretary of LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies)
- 14:40 Pierre Allorant & Raphaël Cahen - Introduction
- 15:00 Miloš Vec - How to Write a History of Western International Law? (Inaugural conference)
- 16:00 Coffee Break
Session 1: Women and international law (16:30 – 18:00)
Chair: Raphaël Cahen
- 16:30 Anastasia Hammerschmied - Violence, Gender, Warfare: Origins of an International Legal Regime in the 19th Century
- 16:55 Sara Kimble - Women’s Rights and the Rights of Man: Women’s Status under Law as the Measure of Civilization in Political and Legal Discourse, 1869-1914
- 17:20 Marion Röwekamp - A parallel legal world. Women formulating international law (1878-1914)
- 17:45 Discussions
- 18:30 Public lecture in French : Stella Ghervas - Conquérir la paix : des Lumières à l’Union européenne
- 20:00 Wine & cheese cocktail – Hôtel Dupanloup
Thursday 16 September 2021 - Maison de l’avocat, 11 rue de la Bretonnerie 45000 Orléans
- 09:30 Welcome coffee
Session 2: International law in practice: Actors (10 :00 -12 :00)
Chair Annamaria Monti
- 10:00 Bruno Martin-Gay - Alexandre Walewski, émissaire à Londres du Gouvernement insurrectionnel polonais : convaincre les puissances de faire régner l’ordre juridique de Vienne à Varsovie (1831-1832)
- 10:25 Philippe Rygiel - Les voyages du jeune Alphonse Rivier
- 10:50 Paweł Fiktus - Comments by Prof. Gustaw Roszkowski on the changes in public international law
- 11:15 Frederik Dhondt - Teaching International Law at King Leopold’s Foreign Office: Léon Arendt’s Droit des gens-course (1904)
- 11:40 Discussions
- 12:00 Lunch - Hôtel Dupanloup
Session 3: Slave Trade, Slavery and international law (13:30-15:00)
Chair Miloš Vec
- 13:30 Sean Morris - The London West India Committee in the Law of Nations: Property in Men
- 13:55 Anne-Charlotte Martineau - Revisiting international law’s mainstream narrative about abolition of the slave trade: the writings of Mary Ann Shadd
- 14:20 Saskia Geisler - The Laws against Slave Trafficking in Prussia as a Case Study on International Relations and the Development of Human Rights
- 14:45 Discussions
- 15:00 Coffee break
Session 4: “Western” international law and global encounters (15:30-17:30)
Chair Walter Badier
- 15:30 Zülâl Muslu - Ibrahim Hakkı: An Eastern Tell-tale of Modern International Law?
- 15:55 Jean-Romain Ferrand-Hus - Alphonse Royer (1803-1875), penseur méconnu de la codification ottomane
- 16:20 Nina Keller-Kemmerer - The Mimicry of International Law: Andrés Bello’s “Principios de derecho internacional
- 16:45 Discussions
- 17:30 Guided visit of Orléans city center (departure from the Maison de l’avocat)
- 19:30 Social dinner at Chez Eugène, 24 rue Saint-Anne, Orléans
Friday 17 September 2021 - Maison de l’avocat, 11 rue de la Bretonnerie 45000 Orléans
- 08:30 Welcome coffee
Session 5 : Comparative legislation and private international law (9:00-10:30)
Chair: Frederik Dhondt
- 09:00 Victoria Barnes & Annamaria Monti - Leone Levi’s proposal for an international commercial code for civilised nations: comparative law and codification in Victorian Britain
- 09:25 Yousra Chaaban - Droit Egyptien et législations comparées
- 09:50 Sebastian Spitra - Uncovering a Forgotten History: Private International Law as National Promise for Internationalism in the 19th Century
- 10:15 Discussions
- 10:30 Coffee break
Session 6 International law in practice: Institutions (11:00 -12:30)
Chair: Dominique Messineo
- 11:00 Wouter De Rycke - Pacific Swissresponses to international instability in the early nineteenth century Jean-Jacques de Sellon (1782-1839) and the Société de la paix de Genève (1830-1839)
- 11:25 Raphaël Cahen - L’Académie (française) des sciences morales et politiques et le droit international (1835-1914)
- 11:50 Maxime Charité - Les relations internationales dans la jurisprudence du Conseil d’État (1815-1914)
- 12:15 Discussions
- 12:30 Lunch - Maison de l'avocat
Session 7 International law in practice: Expertises and experts (14:00-16:00)
Chair: Nina Keller-Kemmerer
- 14:00 Mariano M. Schlez - Intelligence, diplomacy and international relations. The Parish Report on the Revolutions in South America and the foundations of British recognition of insurgent states (1822)
- 14:25 Jean-Michel Turcotte - Just a Scrap of Paper? Western Military Officers, Humanitarianism and the Shaping of International Humanitarian Law, 1864–1907
- 14:50 Florenz Volkaert - The First Generation of International Economic Lawyers? Juridification and Professionalization in International Economic Diplomacy: A Prosopography and Discourse Network Analysis (1850-1914)
- 15:15 Hirofumi Oguri - Inseparable Pairs?: Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Society of International Law, 1880-1914
- 15:40 Discussions
- 16:00 Coffee break
- 16:30 Conclusion : Pierre François Laval - André Gros, et la fonction de jurisconsulte du ministère des affaires étrangères
- 16 :55 Questions and debates
- 17:30 End of the conference