Unité Expérimentale Génétique et Biomasse Forestières

Centre INRAE Val-de-Loire
2163, av. de la pomme de pin CS 40001
Ardon 45075

Michel Verger

The Centre Val de Loire GBFOr Experimental Unit is located in Orléans. It has a staff of 10 and supports the research programmes on trees adaptation to climate change and the conservation of forest genetic resources run by the (Joint) Research Units of the Ecology and Biodiversity of Forest, Grassland and Aquatic Environments Department.

GBFOr is involved in the following areas:

  • Description of the genetic diversity of forest species;
  • Estimation of the level of genetic control of selection criteria: adaptation, resistance, growth and wood quality;
  • Conservation of genetic resources;
  • Sustainable production of forest biomass;
  • Observation of environments: environmental monitoring and soil description.

GBFOr has been awarded the Collective Scientific Infrastructure label, ISO 14001 certification since 2017 and ISO 9001 certification through the RARe Ressources Agronomiques pour la Recherche infrastructure.

Facilities and main equipment:

  • 1,340 m² of glasshouses, including a 190 m² level 2 containment greenhouse;
  • 1060 m² of premises at the Orléans site;
  • 26 ha of collections  at the Ardon site, including part of the RARe research infrastructure;
  • 126 ha of woodland in the Limousin and Allier regions;
  • 550 genetic devices in the Gen4X network of the In-Sylva research infrastructure.