Amenities and the Labor Market: Drivers of Domestic Migration
Hôtel Dupanloup
1 rue Dupanloup
45000 Orléans
This research project delves into the intricate relationship between amenities, labor markets, and internal migration patterns within Australia, with a particular focus on the Greater Melbourne Area. Utilizing advanced statistical models, the study establishes a robust positive correlation between the availability of desirable amenities and the rates of internal migration. This finding underscores the pivotal role of utility maximization in individuals' migration decisions. The analysis further identifies key factors influencing these patterns, including the allure of access to local/regional amenities and a high skilled worker participation rate as significant pull factors, while high living costs and the presence of socially disadvantaged migrants in the origin area emerge as notable push factors. These insights offer valuable guidance for local governments, emphasizing the importance of creating an environment that is particularly appealing to skilled workers in order to attract and retain talent. Moreover, the study reveals that amenities are a key motivator for individuals relocating from metropolitan to regional areas, and that a strong employment rate at the destination exhibits a direct correlation with higher in-migration flows. This research distinguishes itself by its unique focus on examining the intricate interplay between amenities and the labor market within the context of internal migration, while simultaneously acknowledging and accounting for the diverse geographical patterns of internal migration across Australia.
LE STUDIUM / FIAS Research Fellow
FROM: Flinders University - AU
IN RESIDENCE AT: Study Center for the Development of Territories and the Environment (CEDETE) / University of Orléans - FR
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