L'Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte

Faculté des Sciences et Techniques
Avenue Monge, Parc Grandmont
Tours 37200

David Giron
Contact /

The IRBI is dedicated to the analysis of insect interactions with their biotic and abiotic environment.

The IRBI is dedicated to the analysis of insect interactions with their biotic and abiotic environment. The diversity of skills has been perpetuated since the creation of the institute (1961) by bringing together under one roof a number of researchers and faculty members from different disciplines (ecology, physiology, genetics, chemistry, physics, bioinformatics and mathematics), making the IRBI a rare place with an asserted international identity on insect sciences.

To understand the puzzle of life and to face the complexity of biological systems, their functioning and their evolution, the IRBI thus implements a resolutely integrative approach at the interface of organismal biology, ecology and evolutionary biology. The areas of transfer range from biological control for a sustainable agriculture to the development of new technologies for the control of vector and invasive insects in both urban and natural environments, as well as biomimicry or the production of insects for feed and food.

Research topics:

Imip team - biodiversity and functioning of microorganism / insect / plant interactions

  • Understand insect parasitic strategies and the role of their associated symbiotic viruses and bacteria
  • Characterize biodiversity and interaction networks around insects through environmental genomic approaches

Esore team - social evolution and responses to the environment

  • Explain the evolution of social behaviors and the transitions from a solitary life to integrated societies
  • Determine insect response to environmental stresses and the consequences on insect diversity and associated ecosystem services

Inov team - organisms-environment interactions and responses to global changes

  • Understand the physical, physiological, and ecological mechanisms of environmental interactions at the individual scale
  • Integrate these mechanisms to better predict insect response to global changes

Crosscutting theme - food and health strategies for tomorrow

Explore the potential of insects as food and feed as well as their potential for entomoconversion of organic matter through 4 axes:

  • Reproduction strategies
  • Prevention of health risks
  • Optimization of rearing systems
  • Metabolism, standards and traceability


  • A chemical ecology platform
  • An evolutionary ecology and functional genomics platform
  • A physical ecology and optical metrology platform
  • A behavioral ecology and sensory ecology platform
  • A functional ecology and thermal biology platform
  • The institute is also equipped with an insectarium, numerous rearing and highly controlled environment facilities.


Université de Tours