Prof. Marko Hölbl

mai, 2023 - août, 2023
LE STUDIUM / ATHENA Visiting Researcher


University of Maribor - Sl

In residence at

System and Data Security (SDS), Orléans Computer Science Laboratory (LIFO) , INSA Centre Val de Loire, University of Orléans  - FR

Host scientist

Prof. Patrice Clemente & Prof. Cédric Eichler


Marko Hölbl's research covers cybersecurity and privacy broadly, ranging from cryptography to user aspects of information security and privacy. He holds a professorship for several courses on the topic of cybersecurity. the courses. He is an active member and secretary-general of the CEPIS LSI (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies, Legal and Security Issues special interest network), a member of European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO), WG6: SRIA and Cyber Security Technologies and executive board member of the National Cybersecurity Group (Sekcija za kibernetsko varnost) with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije). He was involved in organising many international conferences, including ERACON 2017, EAPRIL 2018, ADBIS 2019, and IFIP SEC 2020. He has been involved in many projects, seminars, and workshops. He is coordinating the EC H2020 project CyberSec4Europe - Cybersecurity for Europe. He is involved in several Erasmus+ projects: ATHENA - Advanced Technology Higher Education Network Alliance; Cyber F-IT - Cyber Security: Training Students and Scholars for the Challenges of Information and Communication Technologies in Research and Studies for Internationalisation; TechWhiz - Sign Language Dictionary of Technical Terms for Education; DiT4LL - Digital Technologies for Lecturing and Learning and InSign - Advancing inclusive education through International Sign.


Privacy & Integrity in the Internet of Medical Things

The project will cover security protocols for IoMD (Internet of Medical Devices). Authentication, access control, use control, privileges, and data protection are a few security methods that play a crucial role and must be customised for the specific environment. The security of digital medical devices (DMD) requires end-to-end security. Unfortunately, security needs are currently poorly addressed in every dimension of DMD.
We aim to propose solutions for challenges exposed by the two following major axes: (1) ensuring physical, hardware and software integrity for individuals and their DMD and (2) protection of individuals' private data for real use case scenarios in the range of the different contexts where it can be leaked (hospital, urban, domestic). 
Ensuring DMD and individual integrity involves protecting monitoring/reporting procedures and control/command ones. We will focus on authentication and access control models. Therefore, we will evaluate and determine if for any operation that tends to interfere, interact or reprogram a DMD, existing protocols and access models can be adapted or if new ones need to be designed. Additionally, to enforce the safety and security of information flows between local (implants, portable devices, relay stations) and remote DMD, we will further study if the different kinds of Internet of Things (IoT) networks may be suitable for the IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) context. To improve the confidentiality of patients' data stored or accessible from DMD, we will study the opportunity to apply and/or adapt state-of-the-art privacy enforcement solutions to the different use cases of e-health.