International gathering of Digital Soil Mapping experts in Orléans.

SC126 - Official opening

7-9 February 2023

Opening session of the "Soil Mapping for a Sustainable Future"LE STUDIUM international conference chaired by Dr Dominique Arrouays (INRAE Infosol unit) and Dr Laura Poggio (ISRIC - World Soil Information) with official introductions from Béatrice Michalland and Pascal Lory (French Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion annd the Ministry for Energy Transition) and Florent Montillot, Vice President of Orléans Métropole. 75 presentations reviewed the Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) state of the art, the modern way of creating soil maps and spatial soil information systems using numerical models, and adressed the challenges and the mechanics of its various implementations for a sustainable future and soil health management at the global scale.