Inheritance in the occupied territories and in the area of antiterrorism operation: the experience of Ukraine

December 01, 2022 - 00 h 00 / 23 h 59

Faculté de Droit de Tours - Salle 009
50 Avenue Jean Portalis - Hall A
37200 Tours


The temporary occupation of the territories of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, regardless of its duration, is illegal and does not create any territorial rights for the Russian Federation. Within the temporarily occupied territories, there is a special procedure for ensuring the rights and freedoms of the civilian population, defined by the legislation of Ukraine. The goal is to form an understanding of the exercise of the right to inheritance in non-controlled territories, to develop new recommendations aimed at solving the identified problems and to further improve the legislative regulation of relations. The peculiarities of the state policy of ensuring the state sovereignty of Ukraine in the temporarily occupied territories are determined by the Law of Ukraine dated 04/21/2022 No. 2217-IX "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Regulation of the Legal Regime in the Temporarily Occupied Territory of Ukraine".

The activities of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the occupation administration of the Russian Federation are illegal, and any act issued in connection with such activities is invalid and does not create any legal consequences, except for documents confirming the fact of birth or death of a person in the temporarily occupied territories, which are attached in accordance with the application for state registration of a person's birth and the application for state registration of a person's death.


Prof. Alina Goncharova

LE STUDIUM Guest Research Fellow

FROM: Sumy State University - UA 
IN RESIDENCE AT: Institute of Interdisciplinary Law Research (IRJI) / University of Tours - FR

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